Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Christmas from Kyubey!

Wow, so I haven't posted in a bit! Sorry about that.  The past few months I've been kept busy by my day job, so I haven't had a lot of time to devote to serious art or animation. I did this quick little gif animation to get back into Flash and animation in general. Boy am I out of practice, yikes! The character is Kyubey from Madoka Magicka.

Also, I'm going back to school for software development! I'm hoping that some programming knowledge will help me design some pretty cool and useful apps.

Happy Holidays, and here's to me posting more in the new year! :D

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oh Look, Le Arts!

So, I haven't updated in some time. I have been working, on freelance and at a normal every day job, but most of the freelance work I've done I can't really post. To make up for that, I did this doodle in an hour or so, while listening to "A Clean Shot" by The Myriad. I was also inspired by a lot of the cool art on the tumblr Eat Sleep Draw. I might even submit it to them. Tell me what you think of it!