Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I graduated and stuff!

Also, I hate coding. I suck at it. Anyways, sorry for the lack of updates. Between graduating, moving back home, and finding a part time job to tide me over until I find something in the field, I've been a little busy. Plus, I was trying to wait to get pictures from my Portfolio Show because I WON BEST IN SHOW! Can you tell I'm a little excited about it?

The coding comment comes from me trying to organize my page a bit, and let's just say it's not going so hot. Apparently, making drop down menus is much harder than I expected it would be. I'm going to keep working at it though. At least I finally put up my Flatwork that I displayed at Portfolio Review. I plan on trying to update this blog at least once a month. I'm working on few pieces that I'll post the progress on soon. Until then, I'm going to go play Asura's Wrath. Which is a super awesome game with an absolutely amazing soundtrack.


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